Many circuits can be designed as level indicators by using a comparator IC or transistors but these are costly and complex and also time consuming. This stereo sound level indicator circuit removes all the complexity by using a single TA7666p IC. LEDs are used as a power indicator. Different colour LEDs can be used for both the channels. One can also use an LED bar graph display. INPUT signals should be given from preamplifiers. Otherwise, LEDs will not glow at low volumes.
R1-R10 | 1kΩ |
R11 | 15kΩ |
R12 | 15kΩ |
C1 | 0.1µF |
C2 | 0.1µF |
C3 | 1µF 16V |
C4 | 1µF 16V |
D1-D10 | 10 LEDs |
IC1 | TA7666P |
If you have mono systems, signals should be given into both the channels. The input is given through two 4.7 µF capacitors and two 18k resistors to pins 1 and 16 respectively.
Both of the TA7666P and the TA7667P consist of two inverting amplifiers, ten comparators and a reference voltage network.
Turn-on level intervals are 5dB, 5db, 3dB, 3dB in TA7666P, and are 2dB, 2dB, 2dB, 2dB in TA7667P. It is suitable for stereo radio cassette applications because of dual type.
- Suitable for stereo LED driver
- Wide Supply Voltage Range : VCC = 6V to 12V
- Low Quiscent Current : ICCQ = 4ma (typ.) at Vcc = 9V
- Variable Voltage Gain Because of Inverting Amplifier
- Easy Arrangement for Dual 10 LED’s Driver by Series Connection of TA77666P and TA7667P
Please send your ideas, those are very important for our success…
keep up the good standard
it so wonderful……….
Pls highlight the schematic diagram because i can click on it
good but difficult to find the pin 1 of the ic bcz it does not hav any mark for pin numberering
If I was building a stereo amp using 2 LM386 chips would I need 2 TA7666 chips to display Left and Right channel volumes?
can i replace TA7668P for TA 7666P ??
difficult to find pin 1 please indicate for me thanks
Pls sir, am a little confuse based on how to put the indicator. will i put it to the input of the amplifier or the output of the amplifier, am little confuse on that section, pls i need your direction. Pls sir i will be waiting for your reply, thanks